Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dove Report:
Last week I was in West Texas working on law projects. However, in the morning and evening I was out scouting for doves. During last week it was 102 to 105 outside, so during the middle of the day I escaped inside and played lawyer.
The number of doves flying into my tank was really encouraging. There were several hundred doves in groups of 10 to 20 flying into my tank (aka pond). I believe the doves currently like my tank since it has about 7 feet of bare surface all around the tank to the water. The winter wheat fields (220 acres) on my property have doves in them. The trees are NOT hot, heavy and loaded with doves yet. I love to see 10 to 20 doves in every tree in the evenings, but we are not there yet. However, I am seeing way way more doves this year than last year (which is not a high hurdle as last year there was nominal, if any, local doves – see freeze February 2021). Last week I went to several different locations (aka leased properties) every morning and evening looking for doves. I found certain fields with water holding doves. The grain fields look pitiful pursuant to the drought, but the watering holes look promising.
The number of doves is not yet to the stage where I say “get your mule out here, it is hot and heavy”, but is way better than the “don’t come here, we have no dove” (see my last year’s September 13, 2021 report on 24 Outfitters LLC website). Needless to say, I take it personally when you do not get your limits of doves and it drives me NUTS. Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to control weather, doves, and migration habits of birds. I do know who does control such items, so I pray to the Living God, for favorable results. Thank God, we have some doves right now.
I have openings for dove hunts consisting of:
- Wednesday, August 31st to early Saturday, September 3rd:
- Cabin for up to 9 people, and day hunts available;
- Saturday, September 3rd to early Monday, September 5th:
- Cabin for up to 10 people, and day hunts available;
- Friday, September 9th to Sunday, September 11th:
- Completely full – no openings, except day hunts;
- Friday, September 16th to Sunday, September 18th:
- House open, cabin open, and day hunts available;
- Friday, September 23rd to Sunday, September 25th:
- Cabin open, and day hunts available;
- Friday, September 30th to Sunday, October 2nd:
- House open, cabin open, and day hunts available;
- Friday, October 7th to Sunday, October 9th:
- House open, cabin open, and day hunts available;
- Friday, October 14th to Sunday, October 16th:
- Completely full – no openings;
- Friday, October 21st to Sunday, October 23rd:
- House open, cabin open, and day hunts available; and
- Friday, October 28th to Sunday, October 31st:
- House open, cabin open, and day hunts available.
History Provides:
Now going on my 7th year of doing this business, please read the following.
The first three weekends of dove season we are normally killing the local doves.
Last year we were not killing many, if any, local doves because of the freeze.
A few years ago, we had black oil sunflowers all over my fields and no dove.
We hunt several thousand acres of leased land, in 60 to 100 acres fields, but sometimes the doves are just not in our area.
Other years, we have absolutely slaughtered the doves the first three weekends.
Then a front will come through with rain, and a field with 5,000 doves in it prior to the front will have 10 doves in it the next day.
After the first three weekends, we are relying on cold fronts to push down Northern doves.
No cold fronts, well you get the idea.
Cold fronts, come now come all.
Book accordingly.
Additions to “Other” Stuff:
In addition to the: (1) fishing in the 7-acre tank; (2) wobbler skeet thrower for knockout; (3) cornhole; (4) ladder toss; (5) washers; (6) horseshoes; (7) ping pong; (8) darts; (9) football; (10) poker; (11) 3 55-inch TVs and satellites; as well as other stuff, we have the following additions this year:
Additions to the pistol range (22 up to below 44 allowed):
- Double Texas Star: https://www.challengetargets.com/product/CT-DBL-TEXAS-STAR.html;
- Propeller Texas Star: https://www.challengetargets.com/product/CT-PROPELLER-R8.html;
- We have added the above additions to the three-rubber human shaped dummies, dueling tree and several AR 500 plates;
Additions to the rifle range:
- Additional shooting house (6 shooting benches spaced out with partitions between shooters);
- Berms and 10 AR 500 plates at 1,000 yards and 1,200 yards;
- So pursuant to the above additions, we are now shooting:
- 100 yards (paper);
- 200 yards (paper);
- 300 yards (paper);
- 400 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 8 inches, 6 inches, 4 inches, 3 inches, and 2 inches);
- 500 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 10 inches, 8 inches, 6 inches, 4 inches, and 3 inches);
- 600 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 10 inches, 8 inches, 6 inches, 4 inches, and 3 inches);
- 800 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 12 inches, 10 inches, 8 inches, 6 inches, and 4 inches);
- Also at 800 yards, sighting in plate 32 inches x 56 inches;
- 1,000 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 18 inches, 14 inches, 10 inches, 8 inches, and 5 inches);
- Also at 1,000 yards, sighting in plate round 42 inches;
- 1,200 yards (10 AR 500 plates, 2 sets of 22 inches, 18 inches, 14 inches, 10 inches, and 6 inches)
- Also at 1,200 yards, sighting in plate round 52 inches.
Considering for the future (let me know your thoughts):
- 5 Stand:
- Promatic Matrix 8NT – 6 machines + Claymate 6 Trap Sporting Kit Wireless;
- Game Simulator:
- Huntsman XP Wobbler.